CurrentCare Viewer Login for Healthcare Providers
TIP: To avoid patient search timeout errors, include Date of Birth in your search.

As of 5/9/24, Lifespan Inpatient Psychiatric encounter data is now available. Learn more.

As of 3/27/24, medication data from Pharmacies and Pharmacy Benefit Managers are no longer available:
Please enter your username and password 
CurrentCare, Rhode Island’s health information exchange system is restricted to authorized users only.
In proceeding beyond this point, the user agrees that:
(1) they are utilizing a personal User ID and Password that has been issued to them by an authorized CurrentCare User Administrator;
(2) they will not share their User ID and Password with others;
(3) access to information is for use in treating and coordinating care of individuals with whom they have a treating relationship.;
(4) medical decisions rest with the healthcare provider based on the patient’s current health status and past medical history;
(5) the information accessed through CurrentCare may be incomplete or incorrect as the quality of data and its accuracy is contingent upon the accuracy of the original information submitted to CurrentCare by its data submitting partners;
(6) CurrentCare or its agents or representatives are not responsible for any treatment decisions made utilizing the data;
(7) use of the information obtained from CurrentCare will comply with the Confidentiality of Health Care Information Act, the RI HIE Act of 2008, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA),the HITECH Act, other state and federal laws pertaining to confidentiality, and the CurrentCare User Agreement; and
(8) misuse of information from this system is subject to investigation, disciplinary action and possible civil and criminal prosecution in accordance with applicable Rhode Island and federal laws.
By logging on to CurrentCare, I agree that I have read, understand and agree to the terms of CurrentCare use.
For assistance, contact CurrentCare Support at 888.858.4815 or